Top Reproductive Veterinarians choose Puppywarmer.


Ten C-section Golden Retrievers at Family Friends Veterinary Hospital in Grand Rapids

It often surprises us how far we have come from the simple start of building a no compromise incubator for Susan Endsley after two of the five puppies passed in our puppies litter.  The goal was to build one incubator and not think about it too much after that. That plan was modified, and we could be happier.

Debbie Sunden’s father, Dr. Ed Foster–a retired Veterinarian who had a large Bulldog clientele, saw photos of Small for Gestational Age puppies that had been saved with the incubator. He said “Every Veterinarian in the country should have one.” At the time, we thought more should be developed in the incubator before a Veterinarian used it.  The performance was absolutely there, but we wanted to have a stainless steel top before we showed it to our first Vet. Dr. Foster arranged a meeting with Dr. Randall Carpenter, owners of Family Friends Veterinary Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

We brought an 18×18” incubator and our oxygen concentrator to Family Friends and explained how the system warmed puppies and created an oxygen rich environment.  We started the unit up, and Dr. Foster and I showed photos of saved puppies. We Invited Dr. Carpenter and his staff to feel how the at warmed up from the ceramic infrared heater above.  We were asked to verify that there is no electric heat in the mat (there is not).

Dr, Carpenter asked “So what do you want to do now?  Where do we go from here?” I said, I would like to leave if with you and have you try it with C-sections.  Then I would like you to tell me how we can make it better.” Dr. Carpenter said “You’re kidding?” I told him that we could learn a lot from having him use it with C-Sections.

I will never forget the email that arrived less than a week later.  It said simply “We have used the Puppywarmer Incubator and Oxygen Concentrator on three sections. We have never seen this voracious level of feeding from C-Section puppies before.  Please invoice us immediately. We never want to see your product leave our building.”

We finished the development of the stainless steel top, and with a little convincing we swapped it out for the original Puppywarmer top,  I still have the original top intact. It is in the area where we do R&D.

Dr, Carpenter had Puppywarmer speak at the Theriogenology Foundation Breeder’s Excellence conference held at the Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine.  It was there Ken met Dr. Marthina Greer, author of Canine Reproduction and Neonatology. Dr. Greer became our second Reproductive Veterinarian client. Ken has spoken with Dr. Greer on several occasions since.

Reproductive Veterinarians know that getting the neonate to the correct internal temperature prior to the first feeding is vital to the development of a strong immune system.  The oxygen rich environment make the puppies alert and active sooner and they latch on to the teat stronger and have a higher nutrition and colostrum intake. The immediate availability of oxygen at puppy friendly flow rates save puppies born blue, which can happen in an emergency C-section.

We will be working with our Veterinarian customers to develop a resource list so that breeders can check our website to know which Veterinarians in their area have Puppywarmer systems.  Understanding your Veterinarians strategy for warming C-section puppies and delivering oxygen to C-section puppies is an important criteria to consider when choosing where you will have your C-section performed.

Our Veterinarian customers, as a rule have seen their C-section practice grow since adding Puppywarmer systems to their protocol.  In some cases the increase of C-sections has grown by 30% or more. When you save more puppies at risk and they have a stronger first feeding, breeders talk.

We regularly get calls from breeders who had a C-section performed at a Puppywarmer Veterinarian Customer. “When we pulled the puppies out of the incubator, they were warm on all sides.  In all these years of breeding, I had never felt a puppy what was warm all over before. They normally have a warm side and a cool side.”

To our breeder customers:  If you have a Puppywarmer incubator and Oxygen Concentrator and your Veterinarian does not, please bring your Puppywarmer system to the C-section. There will be a time you bring home more puppies, and you can use an inverter with your car to have the puppies at the right temperature in an oxygen rich environment for the drive home.  A puppywarmer customer was prepared in this way for an emergency C-section and saved eight puppies that were all born blue as a result. Her Veterinarian stated they would not have saved the puppies if she had not brought her Puppywarmer incubator and oxygen concentrator.

When you precisely control heat, oxygen and humidity you give your neonatal puppies the best start in life.  If your veterinarian is in the graphic below, you C-sections puppies are getting the best start a C-section puppy can get.  Ask them if they would ever want to perform another C-section without Puppywarmer in the room.


Puppywarmer incubators and oxygen concentrators give all puppies the best start in life.


Puppywarmer systems give all puppies the best start in life.

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