Miracle Puppy

Wally got Puppywarmer started with the rescue community.

We have seen it many times.  The puppy that surprises a Veterinarian.  The puppy that surprises an experienced rescue person. That puppy an experienced breeder “knows” will not make it–but somehow lives and grows into an amazing dog.

Cotton was one of the TSR LA Baby Momma Texas Preemies. All four, born about 7 days premature to a mother that had to be hospitalized, survived. We love to get “Where are they now?” updates.

Miracle is the word used most often. Miracle puppy. Miracle litter.

We know of six puppies that were were one time named Miracle.  So far, we know of zero that were named Science.

This article is by no way intended to question anyone’s Faith. That is an important part of life.

Rather, the reason we will from time to time raise the issue of Science is that if you control environmental conditions the right way and if you are able to be in tune with the condition and activity of the puppy–you greatly and positively influence the probability that the puppy will live.

Eight bloodhounds, all born blue during an emergency C-section. The Vet technicians were having trouble resuscitating them. Our customer, who brought their Puppywarmer system to the C-section, instructed the staff per the Puppywarmer manual–making this photo possible.

In a way, Miracle is a humble word.  It is a way of sharing the story and making your role seem smaller. We have seen what you do to save puppies. You are a big part of the story.

Puppywarmer has performed extensive thermal imaging studies of neontaal puppies.

Science suggests there are rules based conditions that we can control to improve success.  It suggests that we can continuously learn and fine tune our efforts. There is more to discover. We each may learn and have something to share.

Science alone will not save puppies.

There is an element of art.  There is an element of intuition, or perhaps the application of what has been learned always running in the background. The willingness to say “I don’t know” and seeking out advice from someone who has experience a similar challenge.  

Jack, a Bulldog born three ounces, surprised everyone.

We often talk of the joy of that miracle puppy.  The one that defied the odds. The one that really wanted to live.  The puppy that surprised you.

Scarlette was born less than two ounces and saved by the very first incubator we every built. This was to be the only incubator we ever built. Scarlette is the puppy that convinced us we should form Puppywarmer.
Scarlette has grown to be a seven pound Sheltie who can pull off a bright blue dress and is a mascot for a car racing team.

I think there are also miracle people. There are people who say to themselves “I’m all in” –and follow through with every fiber of their being to give a puppy or small animal their absolute best.  While we have overwhelmingly seen this result in success, there have been times where that seemingly miracle puppy beat the odds and was later found to have a previously undetected congenital medical condition. It may be no more often than the general dog population, but it has happened.

The two cases we know of, the puppy had other known medical conditions such as a cleft palate or back legs that were not fully functioning. It is important to know that the vast majority of these puppies with conditions such as this live long and happy lives.  In these two cases, though, the puppy passed within the first 15 months of life. One had a congenital heart condition. One had a congenital kidney condition.

Miracle people can experience this loss and shortly thereafter find a way to say “I’m all in” again.

Admittedly, this is an odd topic for a company that makes incubators to disclose.  It is also an important topic. When we work together to precisely control environmental conditions, an at risk puppy’s probability of survival improves greatly.  Add your experience, intuition and fortitude and the probability goes up even further. It is possible the puppy that would have lived hours is saved and later learned to have a congenital condition that leads to a much shorter life than it deserves.  In our experience, this is a small fraction of one percent of the high risk puppies that have been saved with our systems. This should be known, but also kept in perspective.

Out of well over 1000 “miracle puppies” all but two are living long, healthy lives.  This must also be known and also be kept in perspective. This is what drives our Mission. This is why we are “All in” for you.

And one day, even if it is just for a couple weeks, we really want a Puppywarmer puppy to be named Science.

Even though we would like to see a “Miracle puppy” named Science, we named ours…Elvis.

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