About Us

Our mission:

We often say our customers are our best salespeople. We love them. We are not perfect, but we do our best to help them save puppies.

We have answered calls late at night, but sometimes we sleep. Often, the first sentence uttered is, “Oh, I really didn’t expect you to answer.” If we can answer, we will.

Those late-night calls generally don’t result in an equipment purchase, but rather a saved puppy.

We answer the calls. Many companies in today’s age make it harder to reach a real person. We do our best to provide videos and have a Facebook group, Team Puppywarmer, with thousands of breeders, rescues, and veterinarians helping one another save puppies.

We even get calls about competitor products asking for help because they can’t reach the incubator company they chose to purchase from. We advise on what to do or what to talk to their veterinarian about, but we cannot talk about the function or repair of their competitor’s incubator because we can only talk to them about what we know. We know our incubators inside and out. We developed them. On the rare occasion, when needed, we can repair them. We don’t repair competitor’s units. We are too busy helping our customers save puppies.

Why do we do this? Our purpose is to help you save puppies. Your puppies depend on us.

We know our incubators are proven to save puppies and are durable. Knowledge also helps save puppies. Our oxygen concentrators save gasping puppies in the right hands. We want to make your hands the right hands. Our nebulizers save aspirated puppies…but you need to know how to use it, for how long and how often. New questions become blog articles and videos. Puppies take to our threaded syringe feeding nipples when the right techniques are used.

If you are on this page, you are thinking about our equipment and wondering if Puppywarmer is the right for you. When looking at any equipment, you should also ask yourself if the company is the right one for you. We have proven we are the right company by how we have supported our customers over the years. You don’t have to take our word for it. 

Chances are you know several people who are using our system, ask them these three questions:

  • Do you love your Puppywarmer?
  • Have you received the support you need when you asked for it?
  • Would you ever want to have another litter without your Puppywarmer?

We know the answers. We love to hear the answers.  We are happy to be evaluated on how we have helped our customers. We love them.


Now, let’s go save some puppies!


Want to learn about the beginnings of Puppywarmer?
Read Our Story